5 Tips for Your Headshots Wardrobe

Getting new headshots can be an exciting experience that provides a palpable boost to your online presence, energizing your confidence, and honoring your personal and professional journey. The anticipation of a session is almost always intertwined with a natural sense of nervous energy that comes from being in front of a camera. One of the most common questions I am asked is also one of the elements that can most greatly inform the process and the final results: What should I wear?


The answer is both yes and no. First and foremost you need to be comfortable during your session, so that you can fully be present and come across in an authentic manner in your images. Basically, if you FEEL good, chances are much better that you will LOOK good. That is informed by your choice of photographer (oh, hello) who can provide careful guidance to let your unique beauty, energetic spark, and personality come through in your expression and posing. But, can clothes help? Yes, of course! Whether you’re pulling favorites from your closet or using your session as an excuse to treat yourself to something new here is some general guidance I’ve learned from direct experience on the other side of the lens that should help encourage the right look to fit YOU.


This is my most common advice. Don’t overthink your session wardrobe. Easier said than done, right? Stay with me. Do you have a favorite go-to outfit that makes you feel at ease? Is there a blazer you put on before big meetings, because it helps you channel a sense of bold confidence? Because you want to make sure you have some images where the focus is entirely on you, keeping distractions to a minimum lets the attention be directed right to your energy and expression. In most cases that often means prioritizing solids rather than prints and patterns which pull attention away from you. I love having some images featuring a simple but nicely made black, white, or neutral garment that provides an elegant but quiet stage for your spotlight moment. As a bonus there is a timelessness to simplicity which means you can likely use those images for a long time.


Some of us just love color. It’s a powerful visual language that helps stop the scroll and capture someone’s attention but also says a lot about the person wearing it. Do you demand attention? Are you wanting heads to turn when you enter a room or an online space? Perhaps a bold red or yellow is your visual statement of choice. If brights are not your thing, no worries! Do you. Are you wanting to make people feel at ease with a softer palette that feels welcoming and accessible? Perhaps a subtle blue, pink, or calming neutral might fit the mood. There is endless information out there about colors in your wardrobe, but it really comes down to how YOU feel when you’re wearing it. Whether it’s a riot of color or simply a small pop of it, it’s always a good idea to bring something colorful to play with at your session. Just be aware that you (and your audience of clients and customers) will be seeing whatever colors you choose in your online presence for a long time to come.


Who doesn’t love a good detail? A neckline with an interesting focal point (peekaboo cutouts, ruched fabric, embroidered stitching) or shape (deep v-neck, open scoop) can help showcase your neck, collarbones, and décolletage. A lovely shaped sleeve, structured cut on a garment, or even the alluring invitation of a soft fabric can all create visual interest, direct the eye, and communicate elements of what you wish to convey. It’s about capturing attention and directing the eye while still making sure that you and your personality takes center stage.


Okay. All that stuff I said about simplicity above? Think of this as your wild card to provide just a spark to balance that out. Every now and then we all want to let loose with something that just feels a little fun and playful. Glitter and metallics that make you feel like the life of the party? Animal print or faux fur that brings out your inner rock star? A striking pattern that embraces a sense of visual play? You know that item in your closet that you put on every now and then to show that there’s a daring and adventurous side to you? Maybe she wants to share the spotlight, even just for a moment, at your session. Because such items can be scene stealers, and don’t have the same longevity and images with simpler wardrobe options, it’s good to be very selective about their use.


Do you generally take a minimalist approach to your fashion in your personal and business life? Don’t pile on a bunch of extras when you feel your best with a more simple look. But if you wouldn’t be caught out and about without a statement necklace or soft layers of scarves by all means let them help you shine. That heirloom or gifted piece that you wear as a personal totem? The cherished mementos you have gathered from your travels that help remind you of the values of risk? Those adornments have value beyond what is seen. Do you have signature glasses that you where when you engage with clients but tuck them away at meetings and events? Consider bringing them in for just some of the shots. The key to remember is that you should lean into what makes you feel like your best self.


Make sure that your clothing options are comfortable. If that shirt doesn’t fit properly it will make you feel ill at ease, which will likely show in your expression. You also want to have as many options as possible for how you can pose, which could include leaning, crossing your arms, sitting, and putting yourself in positions which require some flexibility of movement. Comfort also extends to making sure your wardrobe actually feels genuine. I am of the belief that a headshot session is not an opportunity for a transformational makeover where you feel like you’re in costume but rather a chance for you to show who you actually are … on a really amazing day.

I might be stating the obvious here, but make sure that all your wardrobe choices are “photo ready” before your session. Wrinkles, stray threads, missing buttons, stains, pilling (hello, wool sweater!), lint, or pet hair can distract attention from where it should go. You and your images deserve the extra time. If you look like you care about your appearance people will think that you care about your work as well.

If you need some added encouragement for why you should update YOUR headshots check out my previous blog post, Top Reasons to Update Your Headshots.

Clients featured in order of appearance: Rachael Chatham, Karolina Drózdz, Cris Ramos Greene, Katie Schomberg, Annie Milroy Price, Hannah Cole, Jael Skeffington, Jen Aly, Cameron Corbett, Martina Barnes, Danielle Magner, Courtney Carballido, Hannah Cole, Gwynne Rukenbrod, Lisa Zahiya, Susan Chancey, Karen Kendrick